I made this FAQS because lot of people eager to do this kind of fun in yahoo chat rooms. In my other posts I explained about BOOTERS how they work behind the screen i.e in terms of technical.
What Is a BOOTER
Ans : A BOOTER is basically a small program that sends “packets’ and is used to knock someone out of chat and possibly disconnect a messenger client, like Yahoo! Instant Messenger. A BOOTER will not disconnect someone off the internet. There are different kinds of BOOTERS, some with multiple packet. Others do just disconnect messy. Some hit Java or Ytunnel. Some are single login and others use 2 or more bots.
How to choose a BEST BOOTER
Ans : There is no such thing like a best BOOTER. It is all about personal preference and more possible what works best for you(as per you net connection, CPU SPEED & RAM OF your pc). No one can tell you what is the best BOOTER(may that booter works good for them). What is the best booter depends more on how you are using the tool well as your net speed and also its depends upon you victim if he/she have good internet speed then you won’t let them down, and more importantly what you are trying to hit. For instance if you are trying to hit someone on Java with a messy disconnect then NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. They won’t go anywhere and you will think the program you are trying to use is worthless. I mean wrong task. It’s kinda puzzle.
The best way find out which BOOTER works best for you. Download various BOOTERS programs & test them you will come to know which one is the best for you. Some BOOTER may work in my pc might not work on your system, due to a various number of feature and factors. Some people can’t use BOOTERS because it doesn't work well with dialup internet connection. Some booters won’t hit people on wired internet connection. Well some others will hit the crap out of someone on cable. So better to play with no of BOOTER.
The best way to test a BOOTER is try to boot your friend and viceversa gives you clear idea which one is work in your side.
Errors [VB and System]
well you will get errors of some dll,ocx if you are using the booter in the 1st time, due to these tools developed by vb & .Net. Here I suggest few file to register in your system to avoide this kinda errors(copy and past these files into your windows system 32 folder).
Where did you find these files go to the link —-> CLICK HERE,
What Is A BOT
Ans : A BOT is nothing its just a Yahoo! ID that you would use to log your BOOTERS. You can make these IDS manually to fill the registration but its a slow process well as you get your IP ban by yahoo. But don’t you will find a solution for it. That is a ID Maker, to make bots. DO NOT USE YOUR YAHOO! ID TO LOG IN A BOOTER OR OTHER TOOL. BOTS GET BANNED OFTEN, so better to don’t do that.
Bots normally work best when they are simple names such as kaniti_tech and also it will come in handy if they all having the same password.
Very causious when making bot names that if there in order like kanititech, kanititech1,kanititech2 ect. They will be very easy to ignore and most anti-boot programs will see it’s a bot and auto ignore them. Also alot of filters look for the name “BOT” or “BOOT” and will filter them with a wildcard ignore.(that means any name that contains bot or boot example kanititechbot01 or kanititechbootmylamer04 would be filtered)
The best way to make a good bots names are always make it general names like kaniti_wordprss, tech.kaniti in a random way and very importantly try to stay away from female names as filters will filter them out as porn bots. If possible don’t make order wise in the name, most bots makers have numbers. If you have to use numbers use four and start with 19 or 20 example.kaniti5905 kaniti5902 kaniti5903 or kaniti2011 because yahoo filters will think it’s a birthdate. You’ll need about 1 to 20 bots for average booters. When a program asks for a bot name it’s simply wanting you to enter the yahoo screen name and it’s password you want to use to log the booter program into the yahoo chat server.
Ans : An ID MAKER or BOT MAKER is a program that will allow you to make many Yahoo! ID’s quickly. It does this usually by using many Yahoo! Servers (some do use only one) Id makers that use multiple servers accomplish their work by simply changing sometimes automatically between servers and sometimes manually between servers to keep your IP from being banned. Notice if you have ever tried to make ID’s at Yahoo’s website after a certain number of ID’s (5 or so I’m told lately) your IP gets banned and you have to wait several hours or in the case of people with dial up restart your internet connection to continue. Many ID makers allow you to make several hundred ID’s without worrying about this problem.
In short an ID Maker is used to make bots for your BOOTERS and Other programs that may need bots.
How to install a BOOTER.
Ans : Most BOOTERS, comes in a Zip folder being there will be required files and stuff with it which it has to have to run. First of all unzip the folder to a place on your computer where you can easily find it. (If you do not know how to unzip a folder, then just save yourself then try to Google it!). Once you have unzipped file you need to go into the folder containing the program and open it by double clicking on it’s icon. If all goes well, the program should open and you’ll see the program. If the program doesn't open and you get an error saying a Needed File is missing or not correctly registered you can solve this by downloading the missing files. These are just files that are required to run the program.
I will warn you that if you get this error from one BOOTER, then you will probably get an error on all BOOTERS. They are usually made in VB and you need those files to run all most BOOTERS.The folders located in the BOOTER folder. Once the booter is unzipped, most folders contain the following note pad files.Names. Which is the list of your bots. This list will also tell what format your bots need to be in, in order for the BOOTER to work.
Either a colon between the yahoo ID and the password,
A space between the Yahoo ID and the password
Name password
Name password
Name password
If you need to change from one to the other. Simply put all your bots in notepad, and click edit, click replace, and on the first line search for a colon : and on the replace with line put a space. This will change the colon to a space then save the list as something else. If you need to change from a space to a colon, do the opposite. If there is an extra space, or character or something added to your bot list, you will get an error when you try to log in the bots. Some BOOTERS will tell you a problem with the list, but some will just say error, and close the BOOTER.
Now save your bot list in the BOOTER folder (that way you should have to search for them, the booter may automatically load the bots from that list). If your bots are located somewhere other then the BOOTER folder, you may need to browse for them.
Ans : This notepad contains a list of yahoo servers. You may need to replace these with new servers if yahoo changes them. But normally you just leave this alone.
Ans : This file normally contains useful information regarding use of that particular BOOTER. All booters are a bit variations, and this file could contain some great tips on how to use the booter.
How to BOOT ?
Ans : To BOOT someone on Yahoo Messenger, all you have to do is enter your victim’s yahoo username into the box at the top that says “Victim” or “Person to Boot” in it, make sure to spell their user name correctly for it to work (Hint: try to copy and paste). Once you have entered their user name you should click on the “Boot “,”KICK” or “BOMB” button. Some BOOTERS have more then one boot option Boot should do the job but if you want a harder punch you can use more then one at a time. Please allow several seconds for the person to be booted. Once they are booted offline you should click the “Stop” button. It’s important that you always remember to hit Stop after booting to ensure your bots or your IP don’t get banned from yahoo. If 20 seconds past and they are still not booted,then you should give up and hit Stop to prevent this from happening. With some programs, once you click stop it’ll automatically log out all the bots and then log them all back,this is because a program boots better with freshly logged in bot names each time Once you are done booting you should click the “Log Out” button located in the Bots section of the program
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